Collection: Ledger Hardware Wallets

What is a Ledger Wallet?

The Ledger wallet is a hardware wallet used to store cryptocurrencies offline. Rather than storing your cryptocurrencies on a desktop or mobile device, you can keep your cryptocurrencies safe with a Ledger Nano wallet. Choose between a Ledger Nano X, Ledger Nano S Plus, or a Ledger Nano S.

The way it works is simple—it stores your private keys offline. The Ledger wallet itself looks similar to a USB stick. Use one for balance tracking, checking transaction history, and managing your account.

Key features of the Ledger Hardware Wallet:

  • Top-notch Security: Keeps your private keys safe from online threats.
  • Wide Cryptocurrency Support: Manages various digital assets in one place.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to set up and navigate.
  • Backup and Recovery: Provides a recovery seed for wallet restoration.
  • PIN Code Protection: Adds extra security with a PIN code.
  • Offline Transactions: Allows signing transactions offline for enhanced safety.
  • Firmware Updates: Regular updates for improved security and features.
  • Compact and Portable: Small and lightweight for on-the-go use.
  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Supports 2FA for transaction confirmation.
  • Open Source: Transparent and auditable with publicly available firmware code.

FAQs About Ledger Hardware Wallet

Is Ledger a cold wallet?

Yes, it is. Cold hardware wallets stand out as the most secure since they keep your keys offline until you need them. One of the top names in cold hardware wallets is Ledger. According to the company, their devices are totally safe and have never been hacked.

Is Ledger a good crypto wallet?

Ledger devices are the top hardware wallets in the industry, thanks to their security model. They use a secure element chip, the same type found in bank cards and passports, paired with a Trusted Display. This combo guarantees that no hacker can get to your crypto, whether online or in person.

Are Ledger wallets safe?

Ledger hardware wallets are the best at keeping your crypto safe. However, there are a few things you need to take care of on your end to make sure of that. Be certain that your recovery phrase stays offline. Never enter into a computer, into a phone, or share with anyone or any application asking for it.

Can I use my ledger seed phrase on another wallet?

Yes, you can use a 12-word recovery phrase to restore any Ledger device. However, the Ledger company does NOT recommend using a 12-word phrase from a software wallet like Metamask, Phantom, Keplr, or Electrum. Those phrases are created digitally and aren't as secure. On the other hand, if your 12-word recovery phrase came from another hardware wallet, like a Trezor One, it’s safe to import it into your Ledger device and keep using the same accounts.